I was encouraged to place this slide by two recent invitations to give lectures on ecomuseums. Having had the privilege of being disciple of Georges Henri Riviere, I did it as ever with respect to the grand master. I also wish to praise my Slovenian colleagues for arranging this long lecture, almost a seminar, as a sort of reminder upon what is the true course for the booming sector, - in times of great challenges. The second lecture was a brief collegial occasion but its wider version (though without animations) is available at: http://ecovast.hr/dokumenti/skupovi/2018bistra/1-1_Tomislav_Sola.pdf
Eco-museum invention was the first to bring so clearly to consciousness the need that museums should be established on the basis of identity, not the remains of it (collections) or its projections (political will). Ecomuseums stood up for having museums genuinely interested for their citizens, for the community, for everyone in the community, for work in cooperation with community members, and all that in the context of real-time and with the aim of assisting quality development. For almost five decades, the phenomenon, and (in fact) the movement, of eco-museums has remained a favourite professional topic. Though it may not have been obvious back in 1970, they started the age of public memory (see www.mnemosophy.com and the article by the same title at academia.edu ).