Dedicated to Kenneth Hudson and Georges Henri Rivière
... Mnemosophy? Just upgrading the proposal of Heritology
as the Science of Public Memory - by Tomislav Šola
During my career I proposed a few conceptual innovations, perhaps unaware that others may have arrived to the same ideas (before or after, as it often rightfully happens):
Total museum (title of my PhD, 1985, “Towards the Total Museum”)
Heritology (a science of heritage, at an ICOFOM conference paper in 1982)
Heritage action system unit (syntagm & concept (HASU, J. Nehru Memorial Lecture, special publication, 1987, Varanasi)
Mnemosophy (in teachings and writings, as a science of public memory, a sort of advanced heritology, 1989; a book by that name was published in 2015)
Cybernetic museum (in the articles since 80s; the sub-title of the book "Essays..." 1997)
3C – institutions (syntagm, used since 2000 in lectures and articles, meaning that all the memory institutions follow the same working process: collecting, care and communicating)
The 8th art (syntagm used since 2001 in texts and books, claiming that there will exist the applied art of memory communication)
PMIs (acronym, first in lectures and since 2002 in articles and books, meaning “public memory institutions”, books later, closer to the factual state than what acronym GLAM suggests)
Great greed (syntagm denoting the contemporary western society, used often in articles after 2000, elaborated in the book "Eternity ...", 2012)
Age of heritage (syntagm used in many lectures and articles since 2007, a book in writing)
Own Projects (realized or in realisation):
1. The Best in Heritage conference, Dubrovnik Croatia: www.thebestinheritage.com
2. Global Love Museum (virtual museum): www.globallovemuseum.net
3. Bridges of Europe (virtual museum): www.bridgesofeurope.com
4. Mnemosophia (personal web-site on public memory science) www.mnemosophy.com
Own concepts developed upon request for creative solutions:
1. Heritage Centre „Novi dvori“, Zaprešić, Croatia (concept, 2009)
2. Slovenianum (central heritage interpretation centre), Ljubljana, Slovenia (concept, strategy) (1997)
3. Ecomuseum, Kapele, Slovenia (realized only as collection, exhibition and event)
4. Remembering Greece, Taormina, Italy (concept)
5. Heritage Centre in Zadar, Croatia (strategy, vast strategic concept)
6. Ragusinum, Information and orientation centre, (with architect Željko Kovačić), Dubrovnik, Croatia (concept)
7. Planet Croatia, Museum of Croatian Diaspora, Matica Iseljenika, Zagreb, Croatia
8. Celestin Medović Orientation Centre, Kuna, Croatia
9. Etnographic Museum, Belgrade, Serbia (reconceptualisation, strategic project)
10. Museum of Europe (for Haus der Geschichte, Bonn; concept of the virtual museum; existed)
11. International Summer School for Heritage Studies (concept, head, 1995-1998)
12. Academia Mnemosophica, Museum of Contemporary art, Zagreb (realised only as series of lectures, 2013)
13. Ad Hoc Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia
14. City of Bakar, Strategic document for the branding of the city, Croatia
15. Museum of National Park, Triglav, Trenta, Slovenia (concept; with architect Marijan Loboda)
16. Museum of Recent History, Ljubljana, Slovenia (concept; with architect Marijan Loboda)
17. Museum of Europe, Haus der Geschichte, Bonn, Germany (concept)
18. Mestni Muzej, Maribor, Slovenia (reconceptualization; with architect Marijan Loboda)
19. Muzej Pišece, Brežice, Slovenia
20. Energeion, Senovo, Slovenia
21. Jewish Museum and Synagogue, Zagreb (concept; with Urbane Tehnike bureau)
22. Museum of Croatian Diaspora, Zagreb (2005)
23. Reconceptualization and strategy for People’s Museum, Cetinje, Montenegro (2007)
24. Pedagogical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia (reconceptualization, 1995)
25. Technical Museum, Zagreb, Croatia (reconceptualization) (1997)
26. Museum of Benedictine Monastery, Pag, Croatia (concept, architectural brief)
27. Strategy of culture of “Vern”, a major private university in Croatia (2010)
28. The Korčula House, Korčula, Croatia
29. SICU, Benedictine Monastery Museum of Sacral Art (reconceptualization/with architect Davor Katušić, 2016)
30. Museum of Bora /wind/ (concept and planning)
31. Energion. Technical Museum., Zagreb, Croatia (reconceptualization, strategic project)
Project proposals:
Some projects were repeatedly proposed, occasionally in a very elaborate form, to numerous different parties in Croatia or abroad, - often as an incentive. Most were widely distributed and some still remain an ongoing offer. They evolved into different variants over time. Some are even 30 or more years old, while a few of them are quite recent, but none was realized. Several do not figure on the list.
1. Alma Mater - Museum of Zagreb University
2. The Factory of Free time, Zagreb (with architect Željko Kovačić)
3. Mare Nostrum – Museum of the Adriatic Sea (upon the idea of Kenneth Hudson)
4. Slovenianum, Ljubljana, Slovenia ( 1988. 1st concept of the integrated national museum)
5. Croatian Contribution (possibly as a separate museum)
6. Croaticum
7. Fascination Paris (a travelling exhibition)
8. Fascination Greece (an alternative museum in Athens)
9. Re-membering Greece (set of initiatives on Ancient Greece)
10. Brothers of Bridges (existed as web-site)
11. Zero Peace Meridian (existed as web-site)
12. Museum of the River Drava
13. Volga River Visitor Centre
14. Floreanum
15. The Lavender Museum
16. The Dogs’ Museum
17. International Museum of Masterpieces
18. The Sweet Museum (for “Kraš” confectionery industry, Zagreb)
19. Gallery of European Portraits
20. The Eight Art Conference (permanent annual conference,
21. The „3 – C” Conference (public memory institutions annual conference)
22. T & T - Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Art (annual conference)
23. The Best in Tourism
24. The little world / Museum of childhood
25. Female Lives (a specific museum; Zagreb, Moscow)
26. Labin Heritage strategy, Labin, Croatia
27. Museum of Glagolitic writing, Zagreb
28. Fascination China (presenting globally scattered Chinese heritage)
29. This is Finland, Jyvaskyla, Finland
Critical assessments of projects (usually in the process of approval):
1. Museum “Faust Vrančić”, Prvić, Croatia
2. Museum of Cravat, Zagreb, Croatia
3. Children’s Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
4. “Njegoš Centre”, Cetinje, Montenegro
5. City Museum of Šibenik, Croatia
6. City Museum of Vinkovci (Archeological Department), Croatia
7. Etnographic Museum of Istria,
8. Ethnographic Museum, Zagreb, Croatia
9. Museum of the City of Bakar, Bakar, Croatia
10. People’s Museum, Beograd, Serbia
11. Museum of Cetinjska Krajina, Sinj, Croatia
12. Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Coast, Rijeka, Croatia (2022)