Dedicated to Kenneth Hudson and Georges Henri Rivière
... Mnemosophy? Just upgrading the proposal of Heritology
as the Science of Public Memory - by Tomislav Šola
One-Slide Lectures / Notes
Our attentiveness is being reduced to blips of pictures and clippings of text. I am adjusting to it by proposing a one-slide-lecture format. Some of the five thousand digital slides that I have accumulated during the decades of lecturing may thus find a way to life and still merit the "audience". Most have been published in some way or will be.
Together with slides, the surviving notes are also the fragments of 27 years of lecturing. Many are gone, like students and other audiences that I have lectured to. However, I have felt that some deserved to be edited and reconstructed just like the preserved commentaries to the slides. I intend to gradually publish a selection of both at this site.
When teaching around I would lose some notes, so some slides may have more than one version of the assigned note. This is why the slides may reappear at this site just as they have been used or interpreted on some other occasion.
Most of them have been published internationally, - somewhere in my books, in other scattered texts or as lectures made available on Internet by the host institutions and organizations.
Any pictorial material claimed by the copyright owner will be swiftly removed