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Lectori benevolo salutem!


Some of the five thousand digital slides that I have accumulated during the years of active teaching and lecturing may thus find way to life. Many of the slides, their explanatory texts, or other texts and slide series from this site have been used in my teaching, both at home and internationally. Some texts have been published in my books or other scattered texts.


To have more time in retirement like I have it is not an achievement. Though I still publish and lecture, I decided to create this instance of sharing which, I hope, will prove to be a pleasurable experience for both sides. I greet the benevolent reader hoping to be pardoned for the use of Global English and freely expressed personal attitudes. I consciously consent to be the means of the needed change (for the world to become a decent place), but I do not claim to represent the change itself.


I also promise to remove immediately any pictorial material that anybody might claim: it is used in good faith and for non-lucrative purposes. 

Contact us mnemosophy <at>



Mnemosophy is a trans-disciplinary science through which society studies and understands its past, its collective and social memory and the continuous formation of public memory as the contents of the transfer of collective experience. It uses other sciences to understand the changing nature of human society in order to serve its needs. It researches the nature of processes of selection, storing, and communication of human experience proposing strategies and actions to the public memory occupations and their institutions, - the heritage sector, in view of creating a coherence leading to a distinctive profession of public memory. Such would be founded upon the idea of social humanity and used as a democratic, cybernetic tool of managing value systems in the constantly changing contemporary social contract. Public memory should be serving welfare society by understanding heritage as means to wisdom, the way to making responsible choices, to maintaining diversity and serving harmonious development of human society in the natural and cultural environment.


This definition is a changing proposal, evolving like its conceptual basis and its terminology: heritology (1982) and mnemosophy (1989)



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